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It occurs to me (not so suddenly) that I want to be a certain kind of person. It just so happens that I am not that type of person.

Ought I be who I want (ought) to be, not simply who I spontaneously happen to be? A friend of mine once said that we are each trapped by our identity, and I told him I disagreed. I can be whoever I want.

It's time to start being who I want to be, and not who I am.

People are supposed to change people, and I want them to change me. Music is supposed change people, and I want it to change me. God is supposed to change people. I want to let Him change me, too.

1 comment :

  1. I'm glad you stumbled across my blog. I started it as a way to record my adventures in Europe. But what I learned is that my thoughts were the same, even on another continent... so I kept up with the blog. I figure no one reads it, but it's kind of healing to write regardless.

    And why didn't I know about this treasure trove of Philip World? I'd love to read more of your stuff.

    Let's be friends.

    Oh wait.
